HOW TO: MEDITATION! #blog #howtoblog #goals #meditation #howtomeditate #goodvibes #newyearnewyou

Are you looking for ways to change your life, but don't want to spend a ton of money, enter into a weird program or travel to do so? What if I told you there was a simple cure for mental health issues you may be having, relational issues, emotional scars, anxiety and tension in your work place, weight issues and the general want to change the life you're currently living? Would you believe all of this could be simply resolved? Probably not since life can be pretty loaded with crap. But just like a plumber, I have a simple technique to unclog all that crap in your life. Meditation. You have probably heard this term many times before. Most people assume meditation is only something the religion of Buddhism practices or if you're into yoga. What you may not understand is meditation can be done anywhere, at anytime, how ever long or short, it isn't marginalized by religion or yoga and is accessible to any open mind. The key to meditation is to just be open. And all it takes to get into practicing meditation is to just relax and dedicate just a little bit of time. When you start meditating, you could literally do it for one minute or go as long as twenty four hours! How do I start meditation, Madison? Starting meditation is super easy! Thanks to the reliable internet, there are so many resources to use. I use two apps that can be downloaded on any smart phone. Calm and Headspace are two simple apps that dedicate anywhere from a few minutes to multiple hours of meditation. There is an instructor who leads you through, who helps you get into the practice and instills the practice into your mind. You can also use YouTube, read books from your local library or online and yoga is also a practice that integrates meditation, if you're looking for a little exercise too. There are local classes you can find in your area as well. Once you learn the fundamentals and the techniques of meditation, the fun part begins! The beauty and the fun is in the fact that you can meditate on the train, in your office, at the dentist, during school or right before bed! There are so many benefits to meditation too. It helps reduce stress, sleeping issues, anxiety, anger issues, improves concentration, increases self-awareness, promotes a healthy lifestyle, increases happiness and acceptance, slows aging and benefits cardiovascular and immune health! Why wouldn't you do this? All of this happens because you allow yourself the time to sit and relax, be in the moment and awaken parts of your brain you've never paid attention to before. After I meditate, I always write my thoughts because amazing things happen when you allow time to unlock those parts of your brain. My tip of the week is to dedicate at least five minutes MINIMUM to one time (AT LEAST) this week of meditation. Allow a time for yourself to sit and relish in the moment. Maybe write your thoughts after. You deserve this! Xx
