BECOMING YOUR GREATEST VERSION #tipsoftheweek #happynewyear #intention #belief #gratitude #lawofattraction #series

I was watching Ralph Smart of Infinite Waters on YouTube. I highly recommend you check his channel out, it will change your life. The video was on fear and how to change it and a thought really dawned on me. This is the writing I had about it.

Maybe the times where I feel unaccomplished, unhappy, worthless, pitiful and overall where my joy is depleted, maybe those are the moments where I'm fighting to be my authentic self, but just won't listen to it. Ever been there? Ever had a moment where you felt accomplished, happy, fulfilled and successful, but it all came EASY to you? I believe those are the moments you and I are being our true authentic self. Ralph has many videos on what it means to be your try authentic self. And it's really hard to achieve this believe it or not. Take this as an example: I think maybe I'm the party girl, but if I'm honest, I'm a writer, planning for my future, organizing, making lists, I enjoy yoga, I like weird healthy foods like cliff bars, I love to get in my pjs, do a face mask and watch one of my favorite REALITY tv shows. At the end of the night where I settle down and have done all these things, I'm feeling accomplished and over all good about my day???? Even though I didn't make a plan to go to the club that same night, I'm by myself and it's been a pretty chill time for me?? Maybe that's actually my TRUE authentic self. Maybe for you, you feel you HAVE to hang out with that person or HAVE to get that degree. If it doesn't make you happy, you genuinely don't want to do it, that little voice is saying don't go and it doesn't come easy or naturally to you, don't do it! That's you fighting against your true authentic self! Intuition is insane, it's your authentic self talking to you. That's what I mean by "little voice". My intuition is strong, so I know that means I'm powerful and have a powerful authentic self and soul. This year I'm really going to focus hard on listening to my intuition and doing the things I WANT to do. Not what I feel like I HAVE to do. Even with my career and all that I want to do with it, I honestly don't want to try to do anything because I already am. I just need to take the steps and follow what makes me happy and what I feel I should do. I'm not saying that means I want to be lazy or not put in work, I want to do the work that comes naturally and easy and at the end of the day makes ME feel good enough about where I am and where I'm going. I feel insufficient because I think I have to do this or that to get what I want. But really when I believe that I already am, then I will feel accomplished and more easily step into what I want to become. And what I'm trying to tell all of you is whatever you want to do in life, you must have of course the determination and the drive behind it. But you also have to have the BELIEF in yourself, the daily INTENTION to go for exactly what you want and take the necessary steps towards your goal WITHOUT trying to go against who YOU REALLY ARE. If you're confused, think about Beyoncé. Beyoncé is one of the top female singers in the world. She's a singer, but that's what she DECIDED she wanted to do with her life. Of course she had the talent, BUT every day she made it her goal to get better and better because she BELIEVED she was a star. And all the work that's she's put in was tough, BUT she loved every step of the way because her true authentic self knew she wanted to be a singer and took the steps to get what she INTENDED FOR. The mind is a powerful tool, use it FOR your good, not AGAINST you. Life doesn't happen TO YOU, YOU MAKE LIFE HAPPEN. There's so much more I want to talk with you all about. But there's so much time, it's a new year! My tip of the week is to set an intention for what you want, whether it's a candy bar or a promotion, every day. And sooner or later with the power of belief, YOU WILL GET IT. It's THAT SIMPLE.
Happy New Year! Xoxo
