Where Have You Been All My Life?
Who are YOU? No, I'm not talking about the girl you look at in the mirror everyday before school. Or the guy who likes his pizza cold on Saturday mornings. I'm talking about your soul. Do you realize your outward appearance is just a cover for your soul? And the personality you have is merely a reflection of your inner being? I haven't written a blog in a long time and I promise a lot has happened! But something has really changed in my life recently. It all happened when my boyfriend (which I will explain about in a later blog) told me, "I miss you." Granted he was away from New York, but he wasn't talking about the girl with brunette hair who's obsessed with Rupaul. He was talking about the authentic version of myself he fell in love with...my soul. I've become obsessed with Oprah, Will Smith, Rupaul and Lady Gaga recently. These celebs speak so much on authenticity and how if you aren't fully who you are, there's no way to be successful. Look at Lady Gaga specifically. Hate on her all you want, but she is fully herself and you can't deny that girl has talent. She is known for her talent, but the best part is she got success because she was and still is genuine. For modeling, I've been studying supermodels Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks. These models became "it-girls" because they were no one else, but themselves. And look at how far they've come in their successes. This is what I'm slowly, but surely trying to become, just myself. It sounds stupid, but ask yourself this question. How many times have you not listened to that little voice in your head that says, "talk to that guy, take that class, enroll in that program, move there"? This is your soul whispering to you. It's harder than I thought to just listen to the whispers of my soul. But the more time passes, I'm beginning to listen to the calling. And it's as simple as just trusting your intuition. If you think you should, do it. If you have doubt, stray away. Don't consider this the same thing as, if the drugs look good, do them! This is higher than that concept (winky face). The reason I say this is because by listening you'll understand this question. What's your calling? If you don't know, take a moment to sit in silence and just listen. Over time, you will understand what I'm talking about. And then you too will be writing a blog about this. If you don't understand what any of this means, start by watching or reading "The Secret." This my friends, will awaken your soul and change your life! Listen to those whispers, I promise you're not going insane, you're becoming your greatest version! Xoxo

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