What It Means To Get Baptized
Isn't it funny when you say you're gonna do something a while back and you actually end up doing it? It's kind of awesome too, right?! Like when you tell yourself you're going to lose 30 pounds by the end of the year and you notice yourself in December willingly eating an apple over a donut. You secretly just blew yourself away. I recently blew myself away by getting baptized. After my boyfriend and I called it quits, I told myself I was going to really draw myself closer to God and I wanted to get baptized as a re-dedication to Him. It's funny because I watched how drastically my life began to change not even a month after telling myself this. My boyfriend came back to New York on a whim and we started to figure our relationship out. So naturally I became infatuated again. I didn't know how God was going to help me when I was so confused and consumed in my relationship. I decided to ride the wave. I got through fashion week and slowly my relationship improved, fashion week flew by, and things I told myself I was going to do three months ago was happening. Leaving my old job that I hated, I became a dog walker within two weeks after and I got the opportunity to move. The only things left were getting baptized and dealing with modeling and my career wants. About a week ago, I received an email via my youth pastor stating that there were going to be youth baptisms that Friday and I was invited to join in. At first I thought about how much I was not ready to be baptized and how I didn't feel super close to God. But then I started to remember all the things I told myself I wanted to do that were happening. The things that I had been praying about in a really rough season, hoping He was hearing me. I decided to go through with the baptism. Getting baptized not only fulfilled yet another goal of mine, but it allowed me to step into a new, reassured, blessed walk with God. And boy is he making my path straight. There are still the ups and the downs, but I'd be lying if I told you I got here solely by my own will. This is all God and he really hears your prayers. Pray hard, love hard and live to the fullest is what I'm learning in this season in my life. And how amazing that this "season" happens to be in my favorite season of the year, fall. I'm falling into a new life and I love it!
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