Time Flies When You're Having Fun
A year ago today, I was in my last church service at home. A year ago today, I was on a train with a one way ticket. A year ago today, I had no idea what life would throw at me. But in all honesty, it's been pretty miraculous. Life has a funny way of working itself out and in my first year of adulthood, I've learned a lot of tough, ironic, hilarious, saddening and incredible life lessons. It's funny to think about all the conversations I would have with my mother about life and my path and to just see how right she was (don't tell her I said that). I remember getting to New York and buying my first metro pass. Then shortly after, stepping onto this thing called a subway train. And arriving in uptown New York having no idea where I was or what this place was going to do to me. My first week though, was really tough out here. From not getting a place on time, to losing my job after two days, to adjusting to walking 10 miles a day. After a few days from my first week, life started to work itself out once I got a full time job through a friend and I finally moved in to my own spot. Then came finding and agency. The hardest part about New York City is you're in a place where dreams come true, but unless you're a millionaire or famous already, things truly take time. It's hard having to work side jobs, when all you really want to do is be full time in your craft. I have an agency now, but the grind is so real in this city. The beautiful thing I've learned about New York is you never know who you'll encounter or how things will work out, especially in regards to career. My friends bests friend is a super model and I've gotten some great super model advice...what a small world. New York also taught me that life moves really fast and the hardest part about life is not trying to catch up to it, but rather slowing down and enjoying every little part of it. If you don't, you'll drive yourself insane. New York taught me that independence is a virtue. To have the ability to be on my own, have my own money and my own time to do whatever I want is a blessing and a curse. But being independent is more so a blessing and much more of an opportunity to figure yourself and your life out. I've learned so much more about myself being on my own. I've learned I have little patience, I'm a neat freak, I hate spending money, I love my friends like family and I have an obsession with Insomnia Cookies. I love that I live in a place where I can be whoever I chose to be. And I chose to be happy, healthy, fierce and a city girl. Thank you to all my friends and family who support me. And to anyone who wants to do something like me, I say DO IT! Read my previous blogs if you get confused on what to do. Cheers to another year!
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