A Child's Thoughts on Divorce

Below is the interview I conducted with my little brother Gregory. These are my questions or wonders about Greg's thoughts on divorce:

How did you feel when you found out mom and dad were separating? 
I was really sad and I really could not believe it. I knew it was going to be tough. 
How do you like life after the divorce?
It's weird that I have separate parents because like when I see them together, I feel like they love each other, but in my brain I correct myself to say that they're in a divorce.
Do your views change on your parents?
They don't, but I don't like that I know that mom will have a boyfriend and dad will have a girlfriend. I don't like knowing that.
Are you angry?
No it's just I'm sad. I'm angry at dad, but I'm just sad. No not angry at dad, but I'm just angry that the break up happened.
Have mom and dad changed?
Yeah they haven't argued a lot, but it's just sad to think that mom still loved dad, but dad didn't love mom.
Have you changed since the divorce?
I don't want people knowing. But I did become a man. Sometimes I'm bad at school because of it.
What's the worst part about divorce?
You know that your parents don't love each other any more and you sometimes cry about it. You don't get holidays together, you have to go over one persons house one day and then the other, so it's really tough. 
What's the best thing that came from this divorce?
Nothing......Well, I get a phone.
Do you have any questions for me?
No. I just wanna have fun questions.
Was the divorce hard since I wasn't home?
I mean before the divorce it was hard because I always loved that you watched me because I could be home. It wasn't though because I could still talk to you over the phone.
Is there anything you want people to know about divorce?
It depends on how the divorce went. Because if divorce went like both parents hate each other, then I can't give advice on that. I can't describe it because I don't know what their parents went through. But all I can say is it's really tough and sad. You know what the saddest part about it was? Is that I kinda saw it coming. Like on the day they told me, I knew they were going to tell me that.

I hope this interview struck something in some of you. It was interesting to see how he thought about life during divorce. It also reminded me of how smart and aware children are. Divorce is tough and sad, but if a ten year old can realize that and get through it, then I know I can get through anything. 
