Nikki The Truth

When I was 13 I went to counseling. In my counselors office, she had a sign that had the serenity prayer written on it. I always read the prayer thinking of how beautiful and true it was, but never listened to it for my own life. In life I've learned that there are things I can't change, even when I really want to fix, erase or improve things in my life. Sometimes you just have no control over the things that come and go. One thing in particular right now is the whole battle of wanting things to happen on my time, easily and very efficiently. Yet these things seems to come harder, longer and a little more difficult than anticipated. When things don't go my way I feel not only angry, but defeated and lost. I get these thoughts of "why me?," "why can't my life be different?," "why can't my life be like that?." And every time I usually end up calling my mom, crying and getting the same, "you're just going to have to work a little harder for it" phrase. It's frustrating, but true. Last week, I met a woman who called herself Nikki The Truth. I was walking past her on my way home and I caught her attention. She asked if I was a model and I said yes. She told me that she knew it and she assumed I was 14. I told her my age and she asked my name. "*pause* Ugh, Madison. Like the avenue." She proceeded to strut a little afterwards. She told me I was beautiful and that she had the intuition that I was a model. After her flustering around, she told me to feel her heart. I was a little resistant, but I decided to feel her heart. Not only could I feel her heart, but it was beating very very fast. "You feel it? Yeah, that's my heart. I knew you were a model. They call me Nikki The Truth. I'm currently homeless, I wash in a basement and go about my day, but you Madison, big things are coming. You're beautiful and I know it. You just wait. Big things are coming for you Madison. God bless you sweetheart." And we hugged and parted ways. When I proceeded to finish my walk home I thought about a little lesson I learned through counseling. The one where God puts people into your life for some reason. Maybe Nikki The Truth is just a crazy lady or maybe she's an angel. And I believe she is an angel. On that day, she was exactly what I needed for not only a pick me up, but a sign from God to say to me everything will be okay. In the end, through all of my fear and frustration about life, I know everything will be okay. Why? Because not only does God put angels like Nikki in our lives, but he gave us the serenity prayer to meditate on. Mediate with me: 
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
