Sleeping (next to) The Enemy
So I really hate my male roommate. I know hates a strong word, but this is the only word I can use to describe my heart-burning passionate hatred I have towards him. If you're wondering why he's so bad, it's because he's so loud and rude! I have been getting about 5 hours of sleep each night because I've been woken up at times like 5:05 am and 3:44 am to him having you know what and playing music. On one specific night though, after he was done doing you know what, him and his "friend" were having an intellectual after sex conversation. (That's what I'm calling it.) During their conversation, the woman brought up how she wants to be successful and my roommate went on a little rant about the epidemic of woman vs. men labor and the stigma between a man in society versus a woman. Now I think every girl is secretly a feminist, but I am definitely not a secret feminist. I am way too vocal and outgoing to be anything secret really. He began to talk about how women don't work as hard as men and how much easier they have it in life. Women don't want to work as hard, all they want are fancy things that men can provide. Women only spend money and time on makeup and clothes, while men work hard for their houses and cars. As he continued (and if you can read any more), I could feel the blood starting to rush up and down my back and my body temperature start to elevate a little. I know the conversation had nothing to do with me, but it did because this man was categorizing all women into a certain category or idea he had. I grew up with a single mom for 6 years and we had apartments, I had nice clothes and yeah my mom had some makeup. But my mother worked hard to earn all that we got. Even when my stepfather came into my life, my mom was still a very hard worker. She didn't just lay down and allow someone to provide for her. This is what fuels my hard-working ambition. Just because I'm a woman, doesn't mean I don't work hard for the makeup and shoes I have. And that makeup us women only care about, that makeup is the same makeup we wear to impress douchebags like you who merely look at women as worthless possessions. And don't even get me started about what women versus men deal with physically and mentally. First of all, let's state the obvious...periods. The worst part of the month for every woman. And on top of those, us women go to work or take care of the children. That is not as easy or pleasant as it sounds. We also bare the children. Yes, we aren't the planters like the men are, but we are the carriers, so with all do respect, we have the choice to take or put ignorant people like my roommate into this world. Most women work when pregnant too. This is something I haven't dealt with yet, but I'm glad I haven't. An extra 20-40 pounds and the liability of a live human inside you is a LOT to deal with. Emotionally we take on way more then men. Women are definitely crazier than men, but that's because we were blessed and cursed with hormones. Us women are emotionally attached to many things. The most important being our first love, which for most is a stupid young man kinda like my roommate. There's an actual chemical that is released during the first time we have sex that actually attaches us to them. So even if we try to forget, they will always be a part of a memory or a feeling. And the sad part is men don't even realize this. They can flop around from one to the next, but we will always remember. The worst is ignorant men like my roommate fail to realize how tough it is to be a woman and how hard we actually work. We work hard, maybe we don't lift as much at times, but we take on the same amount and even more hours and stress as men. The makeup and stupid possessions we go for are earned with hard work and we use those possessions to impress unworthy men like him. We work hard physically dealing with all our health issues and what not and we work hard emotionally. We balance heart-break, love, sadness, depression and other crazy emoions and still manage to put a smile on our faces. I didn't hop out of my bed and scream this blog at my roommate, but I definetly considered it. I would've made sure if I screamed at him to next time think before he speaks. The next time you look at a woman, don't assume that they're just a stereotype by their appearance. We are a lot more complex than you think. In the great words of Shrek, women are like onions. We have lots of layers But our layers are hard-working, dedicated, strong and ambitious. As a man, why would you no want to buy one of those onions?
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