The Kid In Us

I'm currently on a bus ride that cost me $25.50 and it is exactly what it should
be for $25.50. Not only did the bus come an hour and a half behind schedule, but now I'm praying every five seconds that I don't die on this bus. But on a realer not, I haven't posted on my blog in forever! Want to know why? Well, most simply put, it's because I've been living my life. I don't really know how to define that, but I'm just taking one day at a time and plan things as I go. Like this week, I went out after work and hung out with some friends in the East Village. The whole time we hung out, I just felt like such a New Yorker. Never would I have thought that I would be living in New York City hanging around the East Village at this time in my life. I think that's the beauty of life. You can plan so much "stuff" to do every day, but you never really know how things are going to go. I put stuff in quotes because that's just a word we like to use as fillers in life. Like vacations, hangouts with friends, dinners and other things like so. Things that we use to fill our free time. Wouldn't it be a cool idea if we just didn't plan stuff any more and we just went with the flow? We just let life take its course? Now I know if my mom knew I was writing this right now she'd probably think hypocrite. I'm probably the most out of flow person I know. I spend most of my time thinking of all the things I should or need to be doing. Especially things that have to do with my career goals. The thing I don't realize is you can plan things or "stuff" to do, but no one can really say this or that is going to truly get you there. Like I previously stated in one of my earlier blogs, instead of a plan, you use a list that says you should do this first and then this. I had a conversation with one of the severs at my work and she said something that kind of stuck. During our conversation, I was per-usual complaining about all of my anxiety over my career goals and me getting there. I told her that my family thinks I should relax a little more and how nervous that idea made me. In my head, if I rest for one moment, I'm afraid I'm going to get too distracted from what I came to do. She said "I think it's okay to allow room for relaxation, but it's still okay to have your goal be in your mind and be your motivation." To me this means that it's okay to go out and plan or do "stuff." It's okay to live a little and take the most out of every moment, but it's also okay to stay motivated and have your goal in mind. I'm still figuring out a balance, but just last week, I hung out with friends and I also met with a model and organized my portfolio. The lesson to be learned is it's okay to be a kid or have fun sometimes, but it's also okay to go for your goals and stay motivated. Kind of like when I take yoga. My mantra is I will one day be advanced in yoga, but in the meantime while I practice, it's still okay to eat some cookies...even if it's two times a week...maybe.
