Pure Intentions #dailyintentions #mindset #goals #dreams #happiness #tipoftheweek

Pure Intentions
As a child, I always got what I wanted (I say this humbly). When I didn't want grilled cheese for lunch, but rather a PB&J, I always got it. How was I so manipulative as a kid? I had an intention. When I wanted something, I made it my goal to get it. I took all the steps, changed my personality at times, did what my mom asked me and in the end, I got what I intended for. Why don't we do this as adults anymore? Maybe not as conniving as a child, but why don't we set intentions for what we want in life as adults? Think about it. We want fancy cars, careers, families. When we were kids we got whatever we wanted because we subconsciously set intentions and did everything in our power to achieve it. What if we consciously set intentions daily for our goals in life? It was easy as a kid and it can be easy as an adult too. Setting an intention or a goal if you prefer that term, every day is so simple, all it takes is your mindset. When you set an intention daily, you make your mind determined on that goal. If you want to have a family, that doesn't mean every day you wake up and say, "I'm gonna have a baby today...and the next day...and the next day." You'd be so stressed and broke at the end of it! Intentions can be large like so where you want a family or a big career or could be small like wanting a candy bar or losing a pound in a week. Let's take that for example. Every day you wake up for that week and tell yourself you are going to lose a pound in a week. You have that mindset and you're motivated. This can go two ways for you. The best way is you are driven and because you have a goal each day, you take steps to get there. Changing from white to brown rice, going for a jog instead of walk, saying no to dessert. Before you know it, you weigh yourself Sunday and you've lost a pound! Miracles! The other option is you have that in your mind, but you don't have the same belief or drive. So you don't swap rice options, you skip walking that day and you eat the dessert. At the end of the week you stay the same or actually gain a pound. Bummer! Why does this happen? The mind is a powerful thing...,use it! When you really believe you will do something and set an intention daily to achieve it, you will slowly, but surely take the necessary steps to get there and accomplish your goal. When you say you have an intention, but don't really care for the outcome or aren't that determined in yourself, you get filled with doubt, insecurity, sadness and you don't end up where you want. Mastering the art of intentions is as easy as SETTING it in your mind, BELIEVING it and taking the NECESSARY STEPS to get it. That's it! My tip this week is to really try to set an intention each day, whether it's a daily goal, a goal for the week or for your life. SET the intention, BELIEVE it, and TAKE THE STEPS to achieve it. It's as easy as ONE, TWO, THREE! 
