The Boyfriend Blog Part Dos

A woman's love life can age her tremendously. Trust me when I tell you as a nineteen year old, the next birthday I have is gonna feel like I'm turning twenty five. It's very stressful as a young woman being in love and being in a serious relationship. You have not only your feelings, not only your problems, not only your struggles to deal with. When you're in a serious relationship, if something bad happens to your partner, it has the same effect on you as well. If you care as deeply as I do about my boyfriend, then what happens in their life, happens in yours. But your job as a woman is to lift them up in times of struggle, be the shoulder to cry on, assure them of their greatness and look cute especially when they're mad at you. Unfortunately, my boyfriend and I broke up at the end of the summer because of the distance and because of where we were in our lives. I was over it and I didn't care if we came back together, at least that's what I told myself to think. After my break-up, I decided to dedicate my whole being to the Lord. Every fear, worry, sadness, I let Him have it. Every night I prayed that I would heal, but that maybe, just maybe, my ex and I would come back together again. We stopped talking for a week after the break-up and it felt like a death in the family. The silence was killing me. He reached out after that short time and told me he wished something would bring us back together again. After some light texting after the silence broke the next week, my boyfriend (or ex at the time) got a call that a very important client was interested in him for modeling. And a few days later, he was on his way back to New York. I couldn't believe it. After all of my prayers and silent hopes, God listened and answered. It just shows that when you fully dedicate yourself to the man upstairs, it pays off in numerous ways. My boyfriend and I weren't sure what to do about us when he got back since we did technically break-up. But we knew in our hearts we'd be stupid to let that title separate us. We began to grow with each other again. Now almost three months since then, things have been the best they've ever been. I think that's because we understand each other better now that we've seen one another at our breaking points. I can't tell you guys how grateful I am. It's an amazing feeling to be in love once again. And even though this might have aged me in my wisdom by a few years, he makes me feel younger than ever. Cheers to many years of fruitful relationships! ;)
