Yogi Lifestyle #healthandbeauty Mini Series #3

There are many branches to the vegetarianism tree. Vegetarianism has adapted so much over time, kind of like music. If ya don't know, now ya now...*insert Biggie voiceover* People who are vegetarian can identify as lacto-ovo vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians, pollotarian vegetarians, pescatarian vegetarians, flexitarians and sometimes depending, vegans. You can read about them all here: http://www.vegetarian-nation.com/resources/common-questions/types-levels-vegetarian/. FYI there's also ANOTHER type of vegetarianism that I have found to love, which is the Yogi lifestyle. This is the lifestyle of a regular yoga practice and the yogic diet. The basic fundamentals of the yogic diet are;
     the yogic diet does not include meat, fish, poultry, or eggs. You can get all the proteins, vitamins, and minerals you need without them. Whole, fresh, unprocessed nutritious foods give you energy and strength. When your diet consists of nutritious and sustaining foods and you eat only what you know you can digest, then you are on your way to a healthy, happy, and holy life. (The Yogic Diet, 3HO Foundation)
*Side note* I have adapted it a little because I include eggs and exclude cheese. These fundamentals of the yogic diet all have mantras behind them, reasons why a yogi would want to eat and live this way. You can read about all of the info here: https://www.3ho.org/3ho-lifestyle/yogic-diet. I am super passionate about the yogi lifestyle because I started doing yoga during my eating disorder. It was a way for me to get the exercise I needed without tiring myself out. I love it still because it began to make me more flexible and it made me aware of my body and its sensations. Yes, your body has sensations. During my recovery, the clinic I was being treated at had yoga classes in the schedule. The yoga classes there really made me realize that yoga is more about the self, self empowerment and acceptance. We weren't allowed to exercise during treatment, but doing yoga taught me that yoga is definitely more of a restorative practice. And that's what your diet and fitness life should be, restorative. And also rewarding. Combining the yogic diet with the routine of doing yoga, I have recognized a lot of health benefits. I feel more strong and have more energy when I eat the yogic diet and also combine that with a yoga practice. I have gained more balance, endurance, core, leg and arm strength, flexibility and an overall body tone. Not only do I physically feel great, but mentally I feel more balanced, especially with the meditation practice. I feel more at peace with myself and the world and my anxiety and stress have been more eased. The yogic diet may not be for you, which is totally cool, but if you're looking for a wholistic change, I would recommend it for sure. Also incorporating a yoga practice or taking a class once or more a week can be great physically and mentally. Yoga is a good workout, stress and recovery practice. It's a three in one! I don't only do yoga, I probably do yoga 2-3 times per week in combination with cardio and toning, but that's me and you're you. Do what makes you feel whole and happy. Please check out these sites and/or leave a comment if you have questions or don't know how to make a change. I will say it took me over two years to really dig in to this lifestyle, but I really love it! As a farewell on this #healthandbeauty mini series I hope I've inspired you a little more to make a change or look into something new! Namaste.
