Butterfingers Are The Ugly Stepsister of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

There are two types of people in this world: the peanut butter lover who craves a peanut butter cup versus the peanut butter lover who craves a butterfinger. Personally in my opinion, butterfingers are the ugly stepsister of peanut butter cups. And that's what my blog is titled because not only are peanut butter cups so important, but there's a valuable lesson to be learned through this phrase. Stick with me. So in life I would say most women and humans to be in fact do this thing where they compare themselves to other people. Most of the time for dumb things too. Like for women a common comparison is boobs, butt, hips circumference, waist circumference, eyebrow fleekness, lip plumpness and cheekbone popness. These are all politically correct terms by the way. And for most humans its wealth, beauty, possessions and life statuses. I find it exceedingly tough for me because I'm in the industry of beauty. Basically the industry of comparison. Often times I find myself comparing my body and my looks to other models. I also envy and compare to their wealth and their status. I often times feel like a butterfinger. And I look at the other models as though they are a peanut butter cup. It's not fair to me. It's not fair because I fail to realize I'm different, in the best way. There is no other Madison Thibodeau in the industry. Not only is this a privilege I have, but also an opportunity to show them what I've got. What I'm still learning and is probably the toughest thing to hold on to is to not compare myself to other models because they're not me. Really, if we all think about who we are, no one else is us. We may have best friends or loved ones who are super similar, but no one can be us. The original, beautiful you. Ladies, my advice is to stop yourself when you notice you're comparing yourself to others, even when you feel it subconsciously happening. Stop and think of all the things, even if it's one or two things you can only think of that make you unique and who you are. If it's just that you have curly gorgeous hair, then you rock that hair until it turns gray and falls out. If it's your incredible booty, then you werk that booty and preserve it until you can't function anymore. For everyone in general, appreciate and love all the things about you, your friends, your family and your life. Because honestly, it could all be taken away and all you'd be left with is a soul. Sounds morbid, but there's more that you have to offer life than constant comparison and then just a mere soul to leave behind. Everyone is complex and different. I know the unique characteristics that I can offer and that I have that make me different and will help me to stand out in this blurred industry. I also know I'm not a butterfinger. In fact, I'm the yummy Reese's peanut butter cup eggs you get in your basket on Easter. #blessed 
