Subway: Ride Fresh

The subway is a rather interesting place. There is nothing that compares to the New York subway system...SERIOUSLY. On my way to work earlier this week, I decided to eat on the subway. On the subway, some trains contain signs that say "Don't eat in the subway." Originally I thought that was because if someone had an allergy or something, that would prevent something crazy going down. When I got on the subway earlier this week, I brought with me some yogurt, a pretty innocent snack. Shortly after getting on the train, I noticed this man standing near me. He was hovering over some seats and was looking into his reflection. I thought it was strange that he wasn't sitting and was taking so much space just looking at his reflection, but then I realized what was really going on. He was shaving. SHAVING ON THE SUBWAY! Now I am a skinny girl, but when it comes to my food and my hunger, I am very serious about that stuff. I was so hungry and right when I noticed this nasty, strange man shaving, I sealed up my yogurt faster than Usain Bolt in a race. He continued looking at his reflection and shaving and I couldn't help but stare him down. I gave him the biggest look of disgust and he totally noticed. Shortly after, he finished and then grabbed a rag and started to "dust off" the seats below him. This means that he was brushing his "dust" my way! I almost felt like throwing up. And then when he was done cleaning the seats, he of course had to clean off his razor. Of course, right?! He finally sat down and that's when I started to think, "oh that's why they tell you not to eat on the train." Because of nasty people like that man. Really no one understands the New York subway better than a New Yorker. Prior to becoming a New Yorker, the subway was just a nasty New York method of transportation, but now it's so much more than that. I encounter so many strange things on the subway and even outside of the subway as well. For instance, there's a homeless man that stays at the subway station near my work. I can't help but think every time I walk by him, "he's got the money to get inside the subway, yet he still begs for more?" At the subway stations there's stairs to get into the entrance way (where you swipe your metro card or pay the fee) and then there are stairs to get down to the trains. This man sleeps in-between the stairs to get to the trains, so that means he paid the fee to get inside. One time before work I noticed him like normal, but then that same day after work I noticed him again, but this time with Walgreens fruit bars. So either some kind citizen gave up or bought him food (which I doubt) or this man left the subway, bought the bars and then paid the fee again to get back inside. The point I'm trying to make is this man claims to be homeless, yet has enough money to buy some food and get in and out of the subway? In my mind this man could solve all his problems by getting on the train, taking a trip to Times Square and getting a job in the place where there's literally a store in every spot in the area. He could easily start off at one of those low-down deli's and then before you know it, he's working in a corporate office. That's the thing with New York, you never know. I NEVER know what to expect with New York. This is partially scary, but also very exciting because there's never a dull moment. Like the subway again, there are so many groups that come on to sing, dance and make money. Sometimes it's cool, but most of the time it's annoying, especially when you have a headache. And when I get a headache and a group starts dancing or something, those are some of the times where I wish I could just hop in my car and drive instead. No ones going to come in my car and start dancing and singing mariachi, unless it's New York, I wouldn't be surprised. But, in all seriousness, New York never has a dull moment, especially in the subway. In a positive light the subway is so much more than an annoying method of transportation. For New Yorkers, it's a place to make money, show off your talent, reach for your dreams, have a job, steal money and even can be used as a bathroom. I now understand what it is for a New Yorker, to expect the unexpected and to NEVER eat on the subway.
