Hungry for a Dream

Have you ever been so hungry to the point where you have a food fantasy so strong, you can actually visualize, smell and taste what you're craving? For instance with me, the only real food fantasies that I ever have usually relate to dessert, specifically cookies. Whenever I get a really big craving and realize I have no access to the cookies I desire, that is when I go into full blown inception mode. I can see the gooey chocolate chips resting peacefully on their bed of soft and chewy cookie. I imagine that first bite, the culmination of all happiness and of course I can't forget to imagine that nice tall glass of cold, refrigerated milk...But on a less desperate, still imaginative thought, this is similar to the hunger I have to accomplish my dreams. Maybe some of you have read my blog and asked, why New York? Or have asked, what does she want in that crazy place? Well, the reason I came to New York was because I, like most people who randomly move to big, unknown and scary places in the world, have a dream. My dream isn't just a simple goal to be an artist or hope to make it on Wall Street, no my dream is layered,... like an onion. Yes, from the wise words of Shrek, my dream is like an onion with many different layers. I want to be a big model, like Kate Moss or Naomi Campbell big. I want people to talk about fashion and feel the need to bring my name up in the same category, like Leonardo Dicaprio and acting. But, I don't want just to be another plain and unspoken image on a magazine, I want to have a platform and a voice. I want people to look at me and think, "I wonder what it would be like to hang out and have a conversation with her?" By building a platform for myself, that propels me into the businesses I want to own and the charities I want to advocate for. Business doesn't come easy, but with an education it does. Right now, school isn't the plan, but in the future I want to walk across the university stage and receive my degree. This way, by earning a degree, I separate myself from all the others who gain a platform and "just want to make money with a name." I know earning a degree will enhance my opportunity of getting the businesses I want because of the background I have. For many, this is a lot, but for me it's reality, that's why I came to New York in the first place, to make my dreams a reality. Now how I get to achieve all that I want, I have no idea, but I know that I will, just getting the patience to wait is the hardest part personally. If I had to think of how I'm going to get to the top, I guess I would have to start with a little motivational list. (You don't have to take it into consideration, but I must say, I am very good at making lists). My first step on the list would be to get an idea of where you want your life to go. I knew NYC was the place to be. Next, write down a sub-list of small goals that help lead up to the big goal. By doing this, this allows you to make little accomplishments that help you get closer to the main goal. I got an apartment and two jobs in NYC, so those are two goals I can check off my list. After this, start networking and making connections, this way you get your face and name out there and you can meet new and important people. Maybe even start a blog! I don't know, but anything to get your name, face and voice out there is important, like a Facebook or a Twitter. Realize that you must have patience and most success doesn't happen over night, I know this VERY well. Lastly, remind yourself every day you are worth it, push out your inner confidence, this invites people and opportunities in and makes you a happier person, and believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself first, no one will. This last step is hard, even for me, especially with the confidence part, but I do believe in myself no matter what. I have no idea where life is headed and where God is taking me, but I know it can only be up and onward from where I am today. My hunger for my dreams and successes fuels my drive and ambition every day. I eat and breath my goals more than food and oxygen. But, I know that if you want something bad enough, even if it's a glorious chocolate chip cookie, it will come. Just remember this phrase, "All good things come to those who wait."
